Our Cookie Policy
This communication is by BasicNet S.p.A. processing controller of www.basic.net
in accordance with privacy regulation including deliberation by the Privacy Law Authority on May 8th 2014
<<identifying simplified procedures for communication and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies
>> (Published on G.U. n. 126, June 3rd 2014).
WHAT COOKIES ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE FOR Cookies are information (small strings of text) created by a
server sent to a browser when visiting a website. Cookies perform a number of important functions online (i.e.
carry out digital authentication, monitor sessions, memorize information on specific configurations regarding users
accessing the server, memorize preferences). When browsing users may receive on their terminals cookies from
different websites (third-party cookies), directly set by website managers, following procedures and for purposes
defined by each website.
Technical Cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function correctly. They allow
browsing and searching for other services. Without these cookies we would not be able to provide the services
required by the website visitors. They are not used for other purposes and are usually installed directly by
the website owner or manager. They can be classed as:
- Session Cookies or Browser Cookies which ensure the website can be browsed and used; they are necessary for
the website to function properly.
- Cookie Analytics, equated to technical cookies when directly used by the website’s manager to gather
aggregate information on the number of visitors and the way they browse the website to improve the
website’s performance;
- Functional Cookies allowing visitors to browse according to a series of selected parameters (i.e. language,
products selected for purchase) to improve the service on offer.
Technical cookies do not require consent but just advisory notice so are automatically installed when
accessing a website.
Third Party cookies Through www.basic.net some third party
cookies are installed, including profiling cookies, activated by clicking on “I consent”. The website uses
Google Analytics and AdWords. These are web analysis services provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) using cookies sent
to the visitor’s computer to allow aggregate staistical analyses related to the use of the visited website.
Data generated by Google Analytics and AdWords are stored by Google as stated iin the advisory found at the
following link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage.
How to disable Cookies You can disable Google Analytics cookies downloading a specific browser
plug-in found at the following url: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
You can stop cookies being sent to your hard disk configuring your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,
Opera, Safari etc.) so as to disable cookies.
This may affect the proper functioning of the website.
DATA PROVISION Except for technical cookies strictly necessary for normal browsing, data provision is
up to the concerned party who decides to browse the website after viewing a short advisory displayed in a custom
banner and use the services requiring cookies to be installed. Thus the concerned party may avoid cookies
being installed by keeping the banner open (without closing it by clicking on OK), as well as by using the
functions available on the browser.
COMMUNICATION AND SHARING OF PERSONAL DATA Data provided will not be shared. But the data may be
communicated to: 1. Trusted companies who perform for the Controller technical and organizational duties. For
instance companies providing website maintenance services, order handling, communication, data analysis, customer
services; 2. Public security organizations, and other public and private bodies in accordance with legal
Data processing will be carried out by subjects employed by the Controller, identified as appointed/authorized for
DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURES Data processing may be carried out with paper-based, digital, electronic and
magnetic tools. The data gathered will be stored at BasicNet S.p.A.’s headquarters in Torino, Largo Maurizio Vitale
1. The data gathered will be processed exclusively within the scope of purposes stated above.
LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSING The legal basis for processing rests on consent for third party cookies and
the request to browse the website for technical cookies.
DATA RETENTION In accordance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, the data will not
be stored for periods longer than those necessary to achieve the aims listed above.
RIGHTS OF CONCERNED PARTIES The subjects the personal data refers to have the right to obtain at any
moment confirmation whether data regarding them is being processed, and if that is the case may access the data and
information referred to in art. 15 of Regulation, to obtain a copy of said data or relative rectification (art. 15
and 16). Subjects concerned may also request data deletion, processing limitation, mobility and to complain
to overseeing authorities and oppose, for legitimate reasons, their processing (art. 17). These rights may be
exerted via written communication to be sent to: RequestGDPR@basic.net
For other informations contact:someone@basic.net someone@basic.net
PROCESSING CONTROLLER AND MANAGER The processing Controller is BasicNet S.p.A. based in Torino, Largo
Maurizio Vitale 1- 10152 Torino, Italy.
A list of external processing supervisors has been published on the
Controller’s website.
THIRD PARTY WEBSITES Third party websites accessed through this website are not covered by this
advisory. The Controller declines all responsibility related to them. Cookie types used and the kind of processing
of personal data carried out by these companies are regulated in accordance with the advisory published by the
companies themselves.
Our Cookie Policy
This communication is by BasicNet S.p.A. processing controller of
www.basic.net in accordance with privacy regulation including
deliberation by the Privacy Law Authority on May 8th 2014 <<identifying simplified procedures for communication and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies >> (Published on G.U. n. 126, June 3rd 2014).
Cookies are information (small strings of text) created by a server sent to a browser when visiting a website. Cookies perform a number of important functions online (i.e. carry out digital authentication, monitor sessions, memorize information on specific configurations regarding users accessing the server, memorize preferences).
When browsing users may receive on their terminals cookies from different websites (third-party cookies), directly set by website managers, following procedures and for purposes defined by each website.
Technical Cookies
These cookies are necessary for the website to function correctly. They allow browsing and searching for other services. Without these cookies we would not be able to provide the services required by the website visitors.
They are not used for other purposes and are usually installed directly by the website owner or manager. They can be classed as:
- Session Cookies or Browser Cookies which ensure the website can be browsed and used; they are necessary for the website to function properly.
- Cookie Analytics, equated to technical cookies when directly used by the website’s manager to gather aggregate information on the number of visitors and the way they browse the website to improve the website’s performance;
- Functional Cookies allowing visitors to browse according to a series of selected parameters (i.e. language, products selected for purchase) to improve the service on offer.
Technical cookies do not require consent but just advisory notice so are automatically installed when accessing a website.
Third Party cookies
Through www.basic.net some third party cookies are installed, including profiling cookies, activated by clicking on “I consent”.
The website uses Google Analytics and AdWords. These are web analysis services provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) using cookies sent to the visitor’s computer to allow aggregate staistical analyses related to the use of the visited website.
Data generated by Google Analytics and AdWords are stored by Google as stated iin the advisory found at the following link
How to disable Cookies
You can disable Google Analytics cookies downloading a specific browser plug-in found at the following url: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
You can stop cookies being sent to your hard disk configuring your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari etc.) so as to disable cookies.
This may affect the proper functioning of the website.
Except for technical cookies strictly necessary for normal browsing, data provision is up to the concerned party who decides to browse the website after viewing a short advisory displayed in a custom banner and use the services requiring cookies to be installed.
Thus the concerned party may avoid cookies being installed by keeping the banner open (without closing it by clicking on OK), as well as by using the functions available on the browser.
Data provided will not be shared. But the data may be communicated to:
1. Trusted companies who perform for the Controller technical and organizational duties. For instance companies providing website maintenance services, order handling, communication, data analysis, customer services;
2. Public security organizations, and other public and private bodies in accordance with legal obligations.
Data processing will be carried out by subjects employed by the Controller, identified as appointed/authorized for processing.
Data processing may be carried out with paper-based, digital, electronic and magnetic tools. The data gathered will be stored at BasicNet S.p.A.’s headquarters in Torino, Largo Maurizio Vitale 1. The data gathered will be processed exclusively within the scope of purposes stated above.
The legal basis for processing rests on consent for third party cookies and the request to browse the website for technical cookies.
In accordance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, the data will not be stored for periods longer than those necessary to achieve the aims listed above.
The subjects the personal data refers to have the right to obtain at any moment confirmation whether data regarding them is being processed, and if that is the case may access the data and information referred to in art. 15 of Regulation, to obtain a copy of said data or relative rectification (art. 15 and 16).
Subjects concerned may also request data deletion, processing limitation, mobility and to complain to overseeing authorities and oppose, for legitimate reasons, their processing (art. 17).
These rights may be exerted via written communication to be sent to: someone@basic.net
The processing Controller is BasicNet S.p.A. based in Torino, Largo Maurizio Vitale 1- 10152 Torino, Italy.
A list of external processing supervisors has been published on the Controller’s website.
Third party websites accessed through this website are not covered by this advisory. The Controller declines all responsibility related to them. Cookie types used and the kind of processing of personal data carried out by these companies are regulated in accordance with the advisory published by the companies themselves.